Saint Camillus Food Pantry

Make a food contribution
Each week we stop off at Safeway or Giant to buy groceries for our families. We pick up some pasta and sauce for tonight, maybe some peanut butter and jelly for the kids' lunches, and a can of tuna for a casserole later in the week. Hopefully, while we are shopping for our family, we remember to shop for "our family", those countless thousands right in our parish area who are out of work and struggling to put food on their families' tables.
At St. Camillus we ask each person to try and bring at least one food item each Sunday to help replenish our two food pantries. We believe that if "each one brings one" when they come to Mass, we can go a long way toward wiping out hunger in our neighborhood. This is stewardship at its most basic- realizing how blessed we are to have enough money to buy enough food for our families and, out of that gratitude, sharing with others whose families otherwise might go without. Below is a list of the most needed items
General Pantry Needs
Dried Beans, red, black
Corn Flour/Masa Harina for tortillas
Macaroni and Cheese
Cereal, iron-fortified
Oatmeal (not packets)
Vegetable Oil
Maseca (corn flour)
White Flour
Peanut Butter
Canned Chicken
Tuna Fish
Sardines in Tomato Sauce
Canned beans - black, red, kidney (NOT BAKED BEANS)
Canned Fruit - pineapple, peaches
Canned vegetables - peas, corn, green beans
Canned tomatoes
Baby Diapers - all sizes
Immediate Pantry Needs
Canned Fruit
Vegetable Oil
White Flour
Canned beans - black, red, kidney (NOT BAKED BEANS)
Canned tomatoes
Baby Diapers - all sizes
The Pantries are still looking for bi-lingual volunteers to help translate and assist with registration of new clients. We especially need volunteers to help us on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings during Pantry hours.
We are also looking for volunteers on Thursday afternoons to help with shopping, unloading food deliveries, and shelving food.
If you would like to find out about other ways to help the Pantry or have colleagues and friends who are interested in working with us as a volunteer, please email us at: stcamillusfoodpantry@gmail.com